速報 BIG TEX が燃えてしまいました・・ ステートフェアオブテキサス

公開日 : 2012年10月19日
最終更新 :

開催中のステートフェアで フェアのアイコン BIG TEX が火事で燃えてしまいました。


2012年 残る期間、残念ながら BIG TEX は出迎えてくれませんが、来年には また 私達の前に姿を現してくれると 信じています!


http://www.dallasnews.com リンダ キングスレーさん撮影


Big Tex destroyed by fire at State Fair

The iconic animated figure known as "Big Tex," which has greeted visitors of the State Fair of Texas for 60 years, was destroyed by fire on Friday.

Fair representative Sue Gooding said the blaze started inside Big Tex Friday morning on the fair grounds in South Dallas, ahead of the event's closing weekend.

She said white smoke began billowing from the neck and head area of Big Tex before the flames erupted.

"There is definitely electrical in the working of Big Tex ... to provide movement of the mouth and head," Gooding said. "It would not surprise me if it did happen - if it did start with electrical."

Video showed the towering Big Texas figure, standing more than 50 feet tall, had been reduced to a charred, headless wire frame.

However, Gooding said work would begin to replace Big Tex for next year's fair.

"We'll see Big Tex again," Gooding said, calling the fire "sad."

The fair remained open on Friday and no evacuations were ordered.

Firefighters were able to keep the fire contained to Big Tex.

Read more: http://www.myfoxdfw.com/story/19863733/state#ixzz29lGQLDzk









