
公開日 : 2013年02月18日
最終更新 :




Boots, these are now 10 years old and have been re-soled twice but they are still waterproof and very comfortable. Made to measure they can take 3-6 weeks from first fitting to walking out of the shop. Made in Richmond by AltBerg http://www.altberg.co.uk/ These are the McKinley style and didn't cost much more than off-the-shelf boots. Well worth the wait I will be going back for another pair shortly.

登山靴。10年前のもので2度靴底を張り替えているが、いまだに防水は完全で快適。サイズを測ってから出来上がるのに3から6週間かかる。リッチモンドの町のアルトバーグ店 製。マッキンリースタイルで、価格は既製品と比べてもそう高くない。作るのに時間がかかってもその価値がある。そろそろ新しいのを作ろうと思っている。


For navigation I rely on a map and compass. The Compass is by Silva, and it is worth using a sighting compass (the mirror is not for vanity) as you can look forward to where you need to go while keeping the compass level. The maps by Ordnance Survey are good and show a lot of detail and I have them on Memory Map http://www.memory-map.co.uk/ which allows me to print an A4 sheet I can laminate these to keep them waterproof and scribble notes and route points. Since my last trip to Glencoe I now prefer the Harveys maps http://www.harveymaps.co.uk they are clear and show the essential detail better than the OS maps. They are also waterproof which is quite handy for Scotland and the lake district.

ナビゲーションは地図とコンパスで。コンパスはシルバ製。サイティシングコンパスは使う価値あり。ただし、鏡は化粧直し用にあらず。コンパスの高さを保っていれば進むべき方向がわかる。オードナンスサーベイ(地図の会社名)の地図は詳細に至るまでよく作られている。メモリーマップも持っており、A4 用紙に印刷も可能。それらの地図を防水にし、メモやルートの書き込み可能なラミネート加工ができる。前回のグレンコー登山からは、ハーベイズの地図が気に入っている。ハーベイズの地図はオードナンスサーベイの地図より鮮明で、必要な詳細が記されている。さらに防水なのでスコットランドや湖水地方(どちらの地方も悪天候)ではとても役に立つ。

In case I do get lost or need to get an accurate position I use a GPS. The Garmin Etrex Summit is fairly basic but also connects to my computer and Memory Map so when I plan a route I can upload it into the GPS. A nice feature is the in-built barometer which has automatic altitude correction so I can check the weather for changes even while climbing.

道に迷ったり、正確な位置を知るにはGPSを使用。Garmin Etrex Summit(商品名)はきわめてベーシックだが、パソコンやメモリーマップとも接続しているので、ルートの計画を立て、それをGPSにアップロードできる。機能的なのはビルトイン気圧計。自動的に高度補正をするので登山中でも天候の変化をチェックできる。

In Scotland during the winter the days are very short so it is essential to take a torch. I use the Petzl Tika XP it has a good combination of range brightness and isn't so heavy I need to think about it. It uses an LED so the battery lasts for ages. It is however essential to take plenty of spare batteries for GPS, camera and torch and to keep them dry I use Clingfilm or Ziploc bags.

1日がきわめて短い冬のスコットランドでは、懐中電灯は必需品。愛用しているのは、the Petzl Tika XP(商品名)。光の明るさや届く範囲などが選べ、比較的軽量。発行ダイオードを使用しているので電池が長持ちする。とはいえ、GPS、カメラ、懐中電灯用に予備の電池の携帯は欠かせない。電池を濡らさないためには、料理用のラップやジップロック袋を使用。


Goggles, Ice Axe, Crampons and rope. Essential equipment for winter climbing. I use clear safety goggles rather than the tinted ski goggles not only because you may need them in the dark but they are much cheaper from industrial suppliers rather than fancy ski shops. Wind blowing snow into your face can be uncomfortable and there is always the temptation to change course. My favourite Ice axe was a present from my father in law who used it since he was young it must be at least 40 years old made by Stubai of Austria a wooden shaft is light and warm to the touch. It has a long shaft so can be used for balance and makes a firm anchor in deep snow. The other is a light weight Grivel Mont Blanc axe for days when it is unlikely to be needed as it is no burden to carry but the extra safety in case it is needed. Crampons are also by Grivel. These are 10 point with a flexible shaft and can be used on either rigid or flexible boots. Finally a rope, 25 metres of 9mm climbing rope can get you and a friend out of most difficulties.



Emergency equipment First aid box, space blanket, heat pads and survival bag.


These just stay in my rucksack but thankfully have never been needed. The first aid kit needs a wide range of bandages and plasters as in the mountains it could be several hours before a rescue can be organised. Bandages to stop any bleeding space blanket and survival bag to keep warm. The heat pads to help fingers and toes stay warm.



Food. The best thing to take on the hills in my opinion are Jelly Babies. For a long day out on the hills I can expect to use 2000-3000 calories so 2-3 bags of Jelly babies will keep me going and you don't need to stop just take one every km or so. Quite often it's too cold, wet or windy to stop for a picnic so these are great to keep in your pocket and just pop one in while you walk. There is no point in trying to stick to a balanced diet while climbing your body needs mostly fuel and these are just nice tasting fuel.












